Conquering the Challenge of Candidate Sourcing

Healthcare organizations across the nation are well aware of the workforce challenges facing the industry. While the demand for healthcare providers continues to increase, the available supply is shrinking. For healthcare organizations seeking to fill open positions, being able to find top-quality candidates is essential. It’s also the most time-consuming part of the recruitment cycle. […]

The Importance of Timeliness When Recruiting Millennial Candidates

Millennials have become an undeniable force in the workplace; in 2016, they became the largest generation of workers in the labor market. In an extremely competitive hiring environment, healthcare organizations looking to recruit Millennial providers must tailor their communication efforts throughout the hiring process in order to secure this cohort. Organizations who demonstrate responsiveness as […]

The Importance of Empowering Female Healthcare Providers

By Kathy Jordan   As the founder and CEO of Jordan Search Consultants, I know firsthand that women bring unique and innovative leadership skills to all professions, including that of healthcare. In fact, having women in the highest ranks of leadership directly correlates with increased organizational profitability. And although the gender ratio is starting to shift […]

Leveraging Hiring Incentives in Physician Recruitment

The effects of the current and looming physician shortage are readily apparent in the healthcare industry. When it comes to physician availability, patients aren’t the only ones struggling to find a provider. Healthcare organizations are also finding it difficult to hire the most desirable physicians due to an extremely competitive environment – especially when it […]

The Continuing Evolution of Telemedicine

Telemedicine, which uses digital monitoring tools and communication platforms such as email, text, and video conferencing to connect patients to providers, is increasingly being utilized to provide a variety of remote care services. It is especially helpful for patients who live in rural areas and must travel considerable distances to see a provider or specialist. […]

Work vs. Paperwork: Navigating Healthcare Administration Challenges

The complex and fast evolving landscape of America’s healthcare system has created unique challenges for both physicians and administrators. One of the most difficult issues facing healthcare organizations and providers is the industry-wide evolution from fee-based models of care to value-based models of care. To survive and thrive within this new business paradigm, healthcare organizations […]

Beyond Technology: Embracing Change in Orthopedic Medicine

Orthopedic specialists are well acquainted with exploring the possibilities of change. Within the field of medicine, orthopedists are known for their early adoption of technology and willingness to consider new techniques to improve patient outcomes. Over the last several decades, technological innovations and instruments have completely transformed the way many orthopedic surgeries are performed, resulting […]

Recognizing Outstanding Recruiters

  Since 1991, the first Tuesday in June has been designated as National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day. At Jordan Search Consultants, we’re proud to shine a spotlight on our talented team members and the stellar recruiting work they do on a daily basis. The team at Jordan Search Consultants consistently goes above and beyond to […]

Mental Health Awareness and Care

May is National Mental Health Month, a time when many organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), work to raise awareness about mental health in America. One in five Americans is affected by mental health issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Raising awareness and providing timely, appropriate treatments […]