Beyond Technology: Embracing Change in Orthopedic Medicine

Orthopedic specialists are well acquainted with exploring the possibilities of change. Within the field of medicine, orthopedists are known for their early adoption of technology and willingness to consider new techniques to improve patient outcomes. Over the last several decades, technological innovations and instruments have completely transformed the way many orthopedic surgeries are performed, resulting […]

Recognizing Outstanding Recruiters

  Since 1991, the first Tuesday in June has been designated as National Healthcare Recruiter Recognition Day. At Jordan Search Consultants, we’re proud to shine a spotlight on our talented team members and the stellar recruiting work they do on a daily basis. The team at Jordan Search Consultants consistently goes above and beyond to […]

Mental Health Awareness and Care

May is National Mental Health Month, a time when many organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), work to raise awareness about mental health in America. One in five Americans is affected by mental health issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Raising awareness and providing timely, appropriate treatments […]

Red Carpet Recruiting

In the midst of systemic physician shortages, recruiting top-tier providers has become even more challenging for healthcare organizations. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national unemployment rate at the beginning of 2019 was just 4%. The unemployment rate for the healthcare industry was even lower, coming in at a mere 2.2%. Due to high […]

Conveying Your Organization’s Mission Effectively

Most healthcare organizations have a crafted mission statement to describe the ideals and purpose of their institution. But merely posting those words on a wall or website is not enough to imbue them with value. An institution’s mission must be put into practice; the day-to-day actions and experiences of stakeholders, providers, and employees will always […]

The Impact of High Performers Who Are a Poor Cultural Fit

In business, performance and results matter when it comes to the numbers; a healthy bottom line is essential to the sustainability of any organization. And a company culture that helps nurture an engaged, motivated workforce is just as crucial for continuing success. But what happens when you have a high-performing employee who is a poor […]

How Healthcare Organizations Can Engage Medical Students & Residents

As organizations strive to meet the demands of a healthcare landscape shifting toward value-based care and a burgeoning patient population, they will also need to take into account the United States’ aging population. By 2030, the number of Americans over 65 will have increased by 50%. This demographic includes a significant amount of physicians. One-third […]

How to recognize and address physician burnout

Physician burnout has become an increasingly common phenomenon in the healthcare industry. Burnout is defined as a response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. The three key dimensions of this response are overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment. In a 2018 study of over 15,000 […]

Kathy Jordan Wins 2019 Enterprising Women of the Year Award

Kathy Jordan chosen from among world’s top women entrepreneurs on the basis of business acumen, community leadership, and commitment to mentorship. St. Louis, MO – Kathy Jordan, Founder and CEO of Jordan Search Consultants, has been named a winner of the 2019 Enterprising Women of the Year Award, an annual recognition of the world’s top […]

Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Rural Communities

The looming healthcare provider shortage is becoming more apparent to the nation as a whole, but one group, in particular, has long had firsthand knowledge of this reality: rural communities. Non-urban areas have always had a difficult time attracting and retaining healthcare providers. Although 20% of the nation’s population live in rural or remote areas, close […]