How Telehealth Will Transform Healthcare in 2016

A quick Google search for predictions in healthcare for 2016 produces hundreds of results—most of which tout the rise of telehealth. We think that this will be the year that telehealth truly transforms healthcare. Why? Population health management—a form of healthcare delivery that mandates collaboration among healthcare systems, agencies, and organizations in order to improve […]

A Resident’s Job Search To-Dos

As you aproach your final year of residency or fellowship training, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. While there isn’t one secret formula to help you secure the perfect placement, a little self-evaluation, foresight, and planning can go a long way. In order to jump-start a productive job search, consider the […]

How to Recruit Millennials

With the threat of a severe physician shortage looming, smart organizations must target their recruiting practices to their appropriate audiences. A key audience with widespread influence? The millennials.   Millennial physicians are now in the job market—and they aren’t afraid to make a career change. Use this cohort to your organization’s competitive advantage by recruiting […]

Welcome to JSC’s Director of Client Development!

It is with pleasure that we announce the hiring of Adam Rockey as Jordan Search Consultants’ Director of Client Development. In this role, Adam will be responsible for developing and enhancing client and prospect relationships.   Mr. Rockey brings almost a decade of sales and client development experience to the Jordan Search Consultants team. Prior […]

Jordan Search Consultants Introduces Career Placement Solutions

Consider this: a healthcare client engages us to conduct a search for an orthopedic surgeon.   We conduct an exhaustive search, taking into account all specified requirements, organizational culture, and more. We present four high-quality candidates and the client selects one. The candidate accepts and all is well.   But, what happens to the other three […]

How Physicians Can Better Manage Change in Today’s Healthcare Environment

Let’s face it, change is hard. For everyone. And when you are inundated with change after change after change without any time to process, it can take a heavy toll on your emotional well-being. In fact, a June 2014 article in the Harvard Business Review stated:   “…many physicians are deeply anxious about the changes under […]

Five Ways to Make Physician Recruiting as Effective as Possible

According to study cited by the American Medical Association (AMA), experts “estimate that by 2020 the nation will need from 85,000 to 200,000 more physicians than the existing pipeline can produce.” With physician demand at an all-time high, it is imperative that your organization’s recruitment process become as effective and efficient as possible. Achieving this […]

A Conversation About Physician Leadership

With David Nash MD MBA, Founding Dean of the Jefferson College of Population Health JSPH 1. Q: Why are physician leaders in such demand? A: The healthcare system is currently in chaos. We need innovative leaders to implement this new era of healthcare reform.   2. Q: How can we best train physician leaders? A: Medical school […]

What Are The Top 5 Myths About Recruitment Firms?

At Jordan Search Consultants, we’ve heard it all. From “so I have to pay you 70% of the candidate’s salary, right?” to “Will you give the candidate a tour of our community?” Below are the top 5 search firm myths—and the truth.   Myth 1: “Our company can’t afford search firm services!” Fact: Innovative recruitment firms positioned […]

Why Should You Engage a Physician Recruitment Company?

In this increasingly competitive environment, many healthcare organizations have chosen to fully outsource their physician recruitment activities. Some may have a physician recruitment department in house, but that department usually only consists of 1 or 2 people whose focus is on directing candidate activities once onsite, and orienting candidates who ultimately accept positions. Case in […]