Telehealth and the Future of Healthcare in a Post-COVID World

Within just a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused rapid, widespread changes to our ways of life—including the way providers deliver care to patients. During the height of the pandemic, non-essential healthcare services were forced to take a backseat. However, the need for these services remained; patients, especially older and at-risk individuals, chose to […]

Tips for Showcasing Soft Skills During an Interview

A well-written resume can attest to your experience and education, but in today’s competitive job market, healthcare employers expect more than a strong skillset – they want to ensure a new hire is a good fit with the company culture and has the necessary people skills to provide excellent care to patients and their families. […]

Five Benefits of Using an Executive Search Firm

Finding the right candidate for the C-Suite is an intense process for any industry. It can cost as much as $2.7 million for a single failed high-level executive hire. There’s even more pressure in healthcare, where a bad fit can have disastrous consequences for patients and employees alike. That means it’s imperative that a candidate possesses all […]

How to Assess Soft Skills During the Recruitment Process

When we think about the qualities that make a good healthcare provider, we often think in terms of training, experience, and academic knowledge. Yet what is often overlooked is the importance of soft skills. What are Soft Skills and Why are They Important? Soft skills are the characteristics that allow us to effectively interact and […]

Giving Thanks to Providers This Holiday Season

The leaves are changing colors, the weather is getting chillier, and most of us are planning what we will be serving alongside the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner. As we gather with friends and families for the holidays, we hope you remember to give thanks for the ways in which the healthcare industry and providers are […]

The Importance of Timeliness When Recruiting Millennial Candidates

Millennials have become an undeniable force in the workplace; in 2016, they became the largest generation of workers in the labor market. In an extremely competitive hiring environment, healthcare organizations looking to recruit Millennial providers must tailor their communication efforts throughout the hiring process in order to secure this cohort. Organizations who demonstrate responsiveness as […]

The Importance of Empowering Female Healthcare Providers

By Kathy Jordan   As the founder and CEO of Jordan Search Consultants, I know firsthand that women bring unique and innovative leadership skills to all professions, including that of healthcare. In fact, having women in the highest ranks of leadership directly correlates with increased organizational profitability. And although the gender ratio is starting to shift […]

Beyond Technology: Embracing Change in Orthopedic Medicine

Orthopedic specialists are well acquainted with exploring the possibilities of change. Within the field of medicine, orthopedists are known for their early adoption of technology and willingness to consider new techniques to improve patient outcomes. Over the last several decades, technological innovations and instruments have completely transformed the way many orthopedic surgeries are performed, resulting […]

The Impact of High Performers Who Are a Poor Cultural Fit

In business, performance and results matter when it comes to the numbers; a healthy bottom line is essential to the sustainability of any organization. And a company culture that helps nurture an engaged, motivated workforce is just as crucial for continuing success. But what happens when you have a high-performing employee who is a poor […]

Work-Life Balance: A New Approach

We’re all familiar with the term “work-life balance.” The desire to achieve this ideal is a popular topic – and ongoing quest – for millions of professionals, especially those in the healthcare industry. Many believe it’s impossible to achieve success in one arena without sacrificing something in the other. But perhaps we need to rethink […]